Sunday 13 September 2009

Opensocial API talk by Chris Chabot

London GTUG had it's first meetup on Friday evening(11th Sep), and I am very pleased to announce that it was a success! The talk was about the Opensocial platform by Chris Chabot. Chris is a Developer Advocate at Google, who's interested in Open Source, OpenSocial, and trying to do the impossible. Most recently he's been the driving force behind PHP Shindig, the reference OpenSocial server implementation, Partuza a popular open-source example social network site that shows how to use OpenID, OAuth and OpenSocial, and the OpenSocial PHP client libraries.

The event was hosted and sponsored by Google UK at their London office.
The agenda was as follows:
* 6:00-7:00pm Arrive & mingle
* 7:00-7:15pm General Announcements
* 7:15-8:15pm OpenSocial Presentation
* 8:15-8:40pm Q & A

Over 35 developers attended the event. The presentation was excellent and very well received by members I spoke to after the event. The talk was a right mix of technical and introductory level information aimed at developers who would like to work on the platform and want to understand the present and future goals of the platform.

Thank you Chris for the entertaining and insightful talk. I'd also like to thank Google for supporting the event.

Please note that if you'd like to be notified of future London GTUG events, please join our google group:

or follow us on twitter @londongtug.

- Anup Jadhav